Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

QLP Another Mother Audio Commentary


Deborah M Pratt, writer and Co-executive producer of the Quantum Leap episode “Another Mother” joins The Quantum Leap Podcast Crew and Hayden’s Mum, Anne McQueenie for this audio commentary meant to be listened to while you watch the episode.Deborah-M-Pratt

1. Have your video of Quantum Leap “Another Mother” ready to play at a low volume. We recommend Netflix or Region 1 DVD for a better sync experience.
2. Open your podcast player of choice.
3. Start the episode of “Another Mother”.
4. Press play on the podcast when you see Dr. Sam Beckett at the chalkboard, after the Universal logo for most.

Note: There are intentional silences in the audio commentary. They are meant to be filled with the episode’s audio.