Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

A LITTLE MIRACLE… FIIIIIIIIIVE GOOOOOOLDEN PODCAAAAAASTS… It’s that time of year again, we’ve pulled out our favorite Christmas episode of Quantum Leap, “A Little Miracle”, so of course, we have to talk about it. Friends of the QLP, Aaron and Michelle Moss, have joined our very own Jolly fat man, Hayden, for a special crossover with their own podcast “The Starbright Project”. It’s Michelle’s first time watching the series through, so enjoy hearing a new fan talking about her new favorite show with fresh eyes, while Aaron and Hayden wind her up. And since it’s Christmas, there’s a brand new, practically gift-wrapped Quantum Deep segment, which settles scientifically the mind vs body debate. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Leapers!

Check out episode four here

You will be visited by three Christmas apparitions, as hosts Albie, HeatherZoëHaydenChristopher and Suzanne crash this Dickensesque Scroogefest Inception-style, with a podcast in a podcast in a podcast.

Then stick around for an interview with Jarrett Lennon the actor who played Tiny Boy. Jarrett talks with Christopher about his acting career, and what it was like to work on Quantum Leap at such a young age. And be sure to check out Jarrett’s L.A.-based comedy improv group The Feel Good Not Bad Death LaserVisit their website here for upcoming shows.

There’s also a Quantum Deep segment from Hayden McQueenie, an all-new Quantum Leap Radio Sightings by Christopher DeFilippis, episode trivia and more!

We also bring you an interview with actor Tom McTigue. Tom played Blake’s sycophantic yes-man Calloway in the Christmas episode A Little Miracle. He spoke to Chris about his acting and stand-up comedy career and recounted his time guest starring on Quantum Leap. 

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Let’s hope we all don’t end up in limbo…

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By Albie