Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024


Frequently asked questions:

Q: Why is one host louder than the other?

The Quantum Leap Podcast is a high quality audio show produced in stereo, if you listen with only one ear, please adjust your podcast playback device to play audio in mono. This setting is usually found in the accessibility settings.

Q.  How can I watch Quantum Leap?

A lot of Quantum Leap episodes are available on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Currently ALL of the episodes of Quantum Leap are available for streaming on Hulu Plus.  However, the best way to get them all is on DVD available for a great price at Amazon.com

Q. What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a prerecorded audio program, much like a radio talk show that you can enjoy in a variety of different ways. You can listen to it on your computer, on your iPod or other portable MP3 player or you can even burn (i.e. copy) it to a CD. The term podcasting is the merger of two popular terms. The “Pod” comes from the name of the most popular MP3 player from Apple called an iPod and “casting” comes from the traditional term broadcasting. Even though the iPod is part of the name podcasting, you don’t have to have one to enjoy podcasts. There are thousands of podcasts being offered over the Internet on a variety of topics so the consumer now has the choice of what to listen to and when to listen to it. Another great benefit of podcasts is that you can use software called “podcatchers” to “subscribe” to specific shows like ours and then have the podcast episodes automatically downloaded to your computer so you can easily stay up to date without having to hunt them down on the web and download the files by hand. [7]

These links offer a lot more details about podcasts and podcasting…


Podcast Alley

Q. How do I receive a podcast?

The best way to receive podcasts is to use something called a “podcatching client.”, or simply “podcatcher”. A podcatching client is a program that you install on your PC. It periodically goes online to access a machine-readable XML file called an “RSS feed”. (RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication). If it discovers any new episodes available, it downloads them for you. It’s that simple. [7]

Q. Can I listen online? 

Yes. Shows are available on our main page. The newest show post is on the top of the page and you can start the audio playing by pressing the universal symbol for play, a right pointing triangle. 


How do I get these episodes onto my portable MP3 player?

That depends on what type of device you have. If you have an iPod or other Apple device, then iTunes is the thing for you. iTunes also doubles up as a podcatching client! However iTunes is not the only podcatcher available, there are other applications which are dedicated for this purpose and may better suit your needs. An example of this is Juice formally known as iPodder which is one of the more popular ones, Wikipedia provides this list of podcatchers. [7]

Q. Can I volunteer to help The Quantum Leap Podcast?

Yes. Our previous podcasts would not have been possible if not for the hard work of volunteers. If you think that you may have a skill or talent that you would like to volunteer please send us an email with the word “volunteer” in the subject and tell us how you may be able to help.  Types of volunteers we may be able to use include but are not limited to; audio editors (we use Audacity), voice talent (as in reading aloud and recording emails, essays, et cetera), research, writers, social media ambassador, and also maybe most important, transcribers to make a transcript of each show so people with differently abled hearing can enjoy our podcast community as well.

Q. I worked on the Quantum Leap TV show, novels or comic books or something else related to the making of Quantum Leap, or I have a fan project I’d like to talk about, would you want to interview me?

YES!!! Please. We are very interested in talking with anyone who had a part in making such a great production. Please send us an email and we can set something up.

Q. What equipment do we use?

Q: How do I learn to start my own podcast?

We recommend the FREE Learn How To Podcast program by Cliff J. Ravenscraft.