Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Hello Leapers! Just to remind everyone, our fearless leaders Albie, Heather, and Serenity recently had to flee their home because of Hurricane Irma, leaving a huge physical, mental and financial strain. So to try to help Albie and Heather get back on their feet, the Quantum Leap Podcast crew has decided to have a fundraiser.

The crew has put together a commentary for the Quantum Leap episode “Hurricane” (season 4, episode 3)

Please take this as an early thank you for your generosity. As with all our other commentaries, this one is also intended to be listened to as you watch the episode with low volume.

Would everybody please make a generous donation via Paypal to “” or ? We have more than 2000 people who have liked this page – just to put that into context, if everyone donated even just one dollar, that would be $2000 and would make a substantial difference. Also to raise funds, we will also soon be putting some Quantum Leap items and special services up for sale soon – stay tuned. All proceeds will go to Albie and Heather.

Albie and Heather will only be learning about this fundraiser now, remember that we love you and you are in our thoughts in this difficult time. Also, this commentary is spoiler heavy, so please don’t listen to it, Heather. Everybody else, enjoy 


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By Albie