Deborah Pratt: Warrior One! & The Future of Seasin 2!
Friend of the podcast and all-round creative renaissance person Deborah Pratt speaks to Matt and Albie about what we can expect from the second season of Quantum Leap, and her…
Friend of the podcast and all-round creative renaissance person Deborah Pratt speaks to Matt and Albie about what we can expect from the second season of Quantum Leap, and her…
Check out this amazing audio commentary for the season three episode ten of Quantum Leap A Little Miracle. Albie is joined by his friend Professor Sandy Fries, the Co-Writer of…
Halloween is not over until the fat man sings – is this why Albie was so adamantly against Hayden singing? Join Hayden and Albie for a Halloween themed Science Fiction…
This is the DragonCon 2014 Quantum Leap 25th anniversary panel. Hosted by Joe Crowe, the panelists are Albie, Michael Bailey host of Views From The Longbox, Michael Falkner from The Weekly Podioplex, Tegan from promoting Of Dice and Men,…
This is a supplemental interview with Jane Sibbett. This does not take the place of our normal show, but is just a little something extra for the QLP listeners… Enjoy! Jane…